At Starseeds, we understand that sometimes you might change your mind about a purchase. That’s why we have a simple and straightforward Refund & Returns Policy to ensure that you can return any item you are not totally happy with for a full refund.
To ensure a smooth refund process, please make sure you follow these steps:
1. Let us know within 7 days of receiving your order if you would like to return the item. Please contact us by phone or e-mail and provide us with your order number and details of which item/s you would like to return.
2. Return the item(s) in their original packaging and unused, along with your name and order number. Please note: All returns must be made within 7 days of receipt of your order.
3. Return the item(s) via a recorded delivery service, as Starseeds will not be responsible for returns lost in the post.
4. If the items are faulty or damaged, we will reimburse your postage costs. In the UK, items should be returned via First Class Recorded Delivery. Overseas, items should only be returned using your country’s national postal service. We recommend using an insured delivery method; however we will not accept extra charges for guaranteed next day services or other courier services.
5. You will receive a refund or exchange within 14 days of receipt of your returned goods. Refunds will be made by crediting your card or by check, depending on the method used for payment.
At Starseeds, we strive to provide our customers with exceptional quality products and excellent customer service. We want you to be completely satisfied with every purchase you make from us so if for any reason you’re unhappy with any of our items then please don’t hesitate to contact us!