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Buy Sweet Donkey Auto Feminised Seeds by Ministry of Cannabis


SKU: MOC-SWDON-AUTO-FEM Categories: , ,
Ministry of Cannabis

Sweet Donkey Auto Feminised Seeds For Sale

Buy Sweet Donkey Auto Feminised Seeds on the information superhighway on the spot from Ministry of Cannabis with quick and inconspicuous transport to any nook of the earth.

Sweet Donkey Auto is a valued ganja variety vended as feminised seeds. Feminised seeds produce purely female cannabis reefer herbs while common seeds offer masculine and female cannabis trees at approximately equal proportions.

The flowering kind of Sweet Donkey Auto is Autoflowering. Autoflower reefer cultivars bloom regardless of daylight hours whereas ordinary photo-period phenotypes grow in response to daylight cycle.

The Wedding Cake x Unknown Auto Hybrid genes of Sweet Donkey Auto add the supreme characteristics to this cannabis species. The final product has fantastic terpene compositions that result in fabulous scents and essences.

Bagging Sweet Donkey Auto Feminised Seeds by Ministry of Cannabis gives you the means to tend this great cannabis variety indoors, outdoors, or wherever you want. The class of the finished product is extraordinary.

Your Sweet Donkey Auto Feminised Seeds are rapidly forwarded in only a small number of days since paying for these reefer seeds on the internet. The seeds are carefully encapsulated for the best discretion.

Loads of cultivators gauge Starseeds as the top weed seed bank to purchase Ministry of Cannabis wares at the best price point. We present smooth means of payment together with assured inconspicuous shipment to all points anywhere on the map.

As the top-notch supplier for matchless ganja seeds, Starseeds is bound to shopper happiness. Kindly send an email to our kind support in case you desire any support getting Sweet Donkey Auto Feminised Seeds on the web.

Sweet Donkey Auto Breeder Description

Sweet Donkey Auto is related to Ministry of Cannabis’s strain Mars Mellow with the same mother in Wedding Cake, this time crossed with an auto-flowering hybrid strain. Sweet Donkey Auto is a compact, vigorous strain (60% indica, 35% sativa, 5% ruderalis) that produces good yields of high THC weed in a relatively short cycle.

Plants grow to a medium height and take just nine weeks to go from seed through to harvest. Plants grown indoors can produce up to 150 gr. each while those cultivated in an outdoor setting can produce up to 250 gr. each.

The flavour is aromatic and sweet with notes of cookies. THC content is arounbd 20% with low CBD. Although potent, the effect is very happy and social, never getting ‘too much’, either physically or mentally, in social situations.

Therapeutically recommended to stimulate both the appetite and sexual desire.

Sweet Donkey Auto Growing Information

Spring up your Sweet Donkey Auto Feminised Seeds by checking out our germination guide. Keep the growth media wettish by issuing water, nevertheless do not let it get boggy.

Endow the sprouts with sunlight when they’ve popped up. Provide fert after Sweet Donkey Auto has finalized its sprout growing stage.

During the course of the veg period, permit the crop to progress and gain herbage. Periodic checkup and fertilization will contribute to a booming herb nursery.

The flowers are finished growing succeeding a blooming time of 63 days from seed, entirely oozing with resin and enclosed in kief. This cultivar is loved for its fantastic bag appeal.

Sweet Donkey Auto brings in a gainful High crop of divine Mostly Indica nugs that provoke gratifying Active, Stimulating , Talkative stones.