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Buy OG Kush Feminised Seeds by Silent Seeds


SKU: SIL-OGK-FEM-3 Categories: , ,
Silent Seeds

OG Kush Feminised Seeds For Sale

Buy OG Kush Feminised Seeds via the internet instantly from Silent Seeds with quick and tactful transport to any place around the world.

OG Kush is a celebrated ganja genetic available to buy as feminised seeds. Feminised seeds germinate entirely feminine ganja herbs yet common seeds offer masculine and feminine bushes at virtually equal percentages.

The flowering form of OG Kush is Photoperiod. Auto-flowering pot chemovars bloom ignoring lighting schedule whereas regular photoperiod varieties grow in accord to daylight time.

The Lemon Thai x ChemDawg lineage of OG Kush bring forth the ultimate merits to this marijuana strain. The crop has prodigious terpene combinations that contribute unreal fragrances and tastes.

Obtaining OG Kush Feminised Seeds by Silent Seeds permits you to tend this fantastic weed genetic inside, outdoors, or in whatever area. The value of the product is splendid.

Your OG Kush Feminised Seeds are speedily forwarded in only a small number of days since buying these pot seeds on-line. The seeds are inconspicuously encased for optimal secrecy.

Heaps of buyers view Starseeds as the perfect distributor to secure Silent Seeds merchandise at the most affordable prices. We provide simple means of payment together with foolproof discreet shipment to all localities anywhere with an address.

As the chief shop for uncommon ganja seeds, Starseeds is dedicated to client fulfillment. Kindly talk to our kind client service in the event you want any support acquiring OG Kush Feminised Seeds on the web.

OG Kush Breeder Description

OG Kush has been an in-demand strain in California for at least a decade. Popular in both cannabis dispensaries and with recording artists, OG Kush is a 75% indica cross of Lemon Thai and ChemDawg strains. OG Kush boasts good production in a fairly short flowering time. It is an easy to grow, vigorous, resistant strain that is adaptable to a wide range of growing techniques.

OG Kush responds well to SoG, SCRoG, super-cropping, LST and lollipopping techniques, the latter involving pruning all lower growth to focus the plants’ energies where they will be most productive. Nutrient requirements are only average but outdoor-grown plants will benefit from two or even three layers of netting to support the high number of buds.

Indoors, a three week period of vegetative growth is recommended followed by an 8 – 9 week flowering phase with yields of up to 550 gr/m2. Outdoors, plants can grow to a height of 300 cm. producing up to 1100 gr. each with northern latitude harvests being ready in early to mid October. Mature buds are a bright lime green colour, densely-packed and shaped like a golf ball.

The dominant scents produced by OG Kush are lime and petrol and these are also reflected on the palate. The taste lingers on the tongue and is very more-ish. THC levels are very high and have frequently been measured at 22- -26% with very low CBD. The resulting effect is fast-acting, well-balanced between cerebral and physical, is upbeat, dream-like and long-lasting.

OG Kush Growing Information

Begin your OG Kush Feminised Seeds by looking over our germination guide. Uphold the planting mix damp by adding water, nevertheless do not let it get marshy.

Supply the seeds with brightness immediately after they’ve sprouted. Grant nutes the moment that OG Kush has ended its germination growing state.

Through the vegetative cycle, support your dope plants to advance and establish leafage. Habitual checking and pest control strategies will assure a flourishing Mary Jane patch.

The nuggets are finished after a flowering period of 55 – 63 days, perfectly dripping in resin and topped in sugar crystals. This cannabis variety is admired for its splendid bag appeal.

OG Kush produces a worthy High production of chronic Mostly Indica nugs that deliver good Balanced, Cerebral, Long-lasting, Physical, Powerful, Relaxing perceptions.